The Dancing Brain
Photo by Tom Harrison
Suba Subramaniam and Dr Bani Anvari: UCL Performing Place
As part of UCL’s Performing Place programme, Suba Subramaniam, Artistic Director of dance company Akādemi and Dr Bani Anvari, collaborated on The Dancing Brain, a project that sought to improve social interaction through mind-controlled virtual robots and combined hand gestures and rhythm. The project aimed to encourage young students into STEM, and empower people with dementia to connect with their peers by transposing/translating /transcribing a message from the mind of one participant to the peers through movement.
Performing Place, produced by Sylvia Kluczewski, brought together live performance artists, Camden communities and researchers in the co-creation of live performance. It is part of the Performance Lab series, where artists, researchers and students explore how live performance can animate research – and how research can inspire art.