Edinburgh: Cross-pollination

Hands are placing brightly coloured post-it notes onto a map spread out on a table

A cross-pollination journey from Portobello to Liberton and Gilmerton, Edinburgh

As part of my ongoing collaboration with the team at Open University and Glass-House Community Led Design I travelled with them to Edinburgh to capture more of their work around their cross-pollination technique, which helps facilitate discussions across different stakeholders at all levels of community. This film aims to illustrate the cross-pollination approach and how it helps cascade and grow design collaboration within and across places in an organic way. It presents the experiences and observations of local people and organisations who participated in a cross-pollination workshop in the Liberton and Gilmerton area in Edinburgh, organised in collaboration with EVOC in March 2023. It also draws out the connections to a previous workshop in Portobello in 2019, capturing the longer term impact of the approach.

The work was completed as part of a Knowledge Exchange project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) Place Programme, led by The Open University and The Glass-House Community Led Design.

For more information see: https://growing-cross-pollination.wee...


Salvatore Rubbino: Busy Roads to Wide Water and Big Skies


Wright & Wright Architects - St John’s College, Oxford University