Meet Me

Meet Me Archive

Meet Me at Lewisham Homes ran from 2017-2020. Below is a curated selection from each year of the project.


Showing content from Taraneh Jahanpour & Emma Barnie - Procession // Sarah Phillips – Merrydown Feast

21st century Tdance Festival, Entelechy Arts, images by Roswitha Chesher, 2019

Images by Chris Marchant, 2019

Meet me On Tour is an exhibition at the Deptford Lounge, South East London, to showcase the creative journey and works made during four artist commissions at four Lewisham Homes schemes, each over 12 weeks. The launch took place on Tuesday 4th April 2019..

The commissions are:

Merrydown with Tricia Jenkins & Sara Clifford (film and poetry)

Hollowcombe with Linden Katherine McMahon (poetry and creative writing)

Lewis Silkin with Michelle Weiner (hand felting)

Welland Court with Bernadette Russell and Emma Cooper (craft and cabaret)


Showing content from Sara Clifford & Tricia Jenkins – Jukebox Stories // Michelle Weiner – Hand Felting: Keep on Rolling // Linden Katherine McMahon – My Rabbit is Menacing the Neighbourhood // Emma Waterford & Bernadette Russell - Cabaret // Lily Ash Sakula - Meet Me at Lewisham Homes

Images by Roswitha Chesher, 2019

Linden Katherine McMahon - Creative writing project: My Rabbit is Menacing the Neighbourhood

Meet Me at Lewisham Homes animation by Lily Ash Sakula, 2019

Creative documentation

Throughout the programme we have commissioned six artists to document and evaluate the projects in unusual and interesting ways. They have worked alongside, and in collaboration with, the project teams using a rich variety or mediums including printmaking, animation and web design.

Artist duo Joanna McCormick and Dick Graham produced portraits of residents framed with composite images in vivid watercolour. Their roles involved working with the residents to co-create the frames by introducing pattern, colour and texture inspired by their environment 

Animator Lily Ash Sakula had a dual role as Documenter and Artist Support Worker on the Jukebox Stories project, sketching residents engaged in the activities then animating these to produce a short film 

Textiles artist Michelle Weiner created a series of felt-collages umbrellas adorned with text and image telling residents’ stories. These were ceremoniously carried through the streets of Deptford in the Age Against the Machine opening day Procession

Creative Writer Linden Katherine MacMahon worked with residents, staff and artists to evaluate the final year of projects, brought together in collaborative zines filled with reflections on the projects through collage and poetry

Filmmaker Emma Crouch has created this website, and her own reflections in film and photography, establishing an accessible space to bring the creative activities and fruits of projects which happened behind closed doors to a wider audience. The website is a lasting celebration of the rich variety of work and relationships created throughout this three-year programme.

See the other sections from the digital Meet Me experience.