Meet Me at Lewisham Homes

Meet Me

Meet Me at Lewisham Homes is a 3-year project (2017 - 2020) led by the Albany and Entelechy Arts in partnership with Lewisham Homes, supported by the Baring Foundation and Arts Council England's National Celebrating Age programme. Meet Me at Lewisham Homes is one of a suite of projects in the Meet Me programme, working with formerly isolated older people across Lewisham.

Artist teams have worked alongside older residents at 14 Lewisham Homes Independent Living schemes, developing a total of twelve sustained projects and many more drop in sessions with over 100 participants. Artists and residents have come together in shared lounges to develop projects that have included poetry and spoken word, music, movement, gardening, film and animation, felting, and much more, and projects have been celebrated in events at the Albany, Royal Festival Hall, and Deptford Lounge to name a few.

In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic put a pause on the final two commissions, and the projects have subsequently continued remotely through postcards. In lieu of the final celebrations planned for these projects, we have created this online space to showcase these creative encounters and works, alongside a growing archive of previous projects which we invite you to explore. 

Artist credits: Adam Kammerling // Mr Gee // Zoë Gilmour // Lucy Warren // Linden McMahon // Michelle Weiner // Bernadette Russell and Emma Cooper // Tricia Jenkins and Sara Clifford // Sarah Phillips // Emma Barnie and Taraneh Jahanpour // Georgia Akbar // Writerz & Scribez // Joanna McCormick and Dick Graham // Christine Bone // Roxanna Kennedy // Julie Yip // Ritchie Foster // Lesley Greening // Lily Ash Sakula // Lauren Humphries // Emma Crouch // Rosaria Gracia

Many thanks to the Meet Me at Lewisham Homes Project Team from 2017-2020: Cara McAleese // Roxanna Kennedy // Sarah Phillips // Lucy Warren

Page banner image shows 21st Century Tea Dance as part of Age Against the Machine festival, Lewisham September 2019. Image: Roswitha Chesher