Moving Art

Meet Me

From small beginnings, complicated projects have developed from week to week.
— Nigel

This page highlights a collection of significant moments from Moving Art, commissioned as a series of twelve bespoke, film-making and visual arts sessions based at an independent living scheme in Forest Hill. The project was delivered by artist and film-maker Georgia Akbar and supported by Christine Bone, Julie Yip, Ritchie Foster and Lauren Humphries.

Over eight weeks we appreciated and explored poetry, art and film-making processes with a particular focus on experimental film and animation. The process became driven by the group’s open, curious approach leading to fascinating and unexpected conversations, ideas and outcomes, supported by the extensive range of skills and experiences contributed by every person in the room.

Begone Dull Care (1949), directed by Evelyn Lambart & Norman McLaren – A short animation which influenced our later explorations of abstract imagery and sparked a steady stream of recommendations for experimental films to watch in our sessions.

A conversation about a collection of photographs that Robert has taken throughout his life, brought to the sessions for inspiration.

A projected experiment, combining Robert’s photographs and slides brought to the session by Nigel

An excerpt from a collage or ‘cut out’ poem, and the completed poem created by the group.

An animated experiment by Millie, observed by the group to look like ‘two birds’.

Excerpt from a poem by Dorothy developed through scribing open conversations.

An animated sequence created by Nigel with his slides on a Lightbox.

The ideas that arose through conversations and poetry evoked vivid imagery. We collected photographs that referenced this imagery and began to experiment with printmaking.

Dorothy revealing a print made from a treasured photograph.

I’m dumbfounded! I didn’t think I could do anything like this!
— Dorothy

Taking Off

As the work developed, a common theme had started to emerge: flying, “taking off ” and momentous journeys. Some people referenced the act of flying in itself whilst others explored important journeys that they’d made throughout their lives, including time spent working abroad or travelling to the UK to live. It was fascinating to explore the impact that these significant movements can have and how they contrast with times in our lives which are characterised by stillness.

Series of monoprints by Emmanuel including a print taken from a photo of Peckham Rye in the 1970s (far left).

Ink Experiments

Testing ideas such as these animated experiments with coloured ink acted as a non-pressurised opportunity to explore film-making and abstract imagery throughout our project. The group regularly referenced these moments as the most engaging part of our sessions. After experimenting with projecting on to ceilings, window blinds and other surfaces, we had discussed creating an installation in which we could create some of the imagery live, accompanied by spoken word or music. Nigel suggested The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125:XIII. The Swan.

Ink experiments by: Millie, Nigel, Christian, Emmanuel and Lauren / Original session footage taken by: Lauren / Projection recreated, documented and edited by: Georgia / Music: The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125:XIII. The Swan, Performed by Kathryn Stott, Yo-Yo Ma.

Greenhouse Gallery

Plans were underway to create an installation and exhibit the work created throughout the project in the greenhouse. Nigel had proposed incorporating the corridor as a kind of ‘runway’ leading to the gallery.

Unfortunately, as the UK went in to lockdown, our twelve week project was cut short in our eighth week. This did mean that our plans for a celebration, installation and an exhibition in the greenhouse were not able to come in to fruition. We’ve had to adapt and re-imagine the ending of our project. Whilst we are continuing to look for creative ways to stay connected, we are all very much looking forward to meeting again as soon as it is possible to do so.

Image by Christine

Unfortunately, as the UK went in to lockdown, our twelve week project was cut short in our eighth week. This did mean that our plans for a celebration, installation and an exhibition in the greenhouse were not able to come in to fruition. We’ve had to adapt and re-imagine the ending of our project. Whilst we are continuing to look for creative ways to stay connected, we are all very much looking forward to meeting again as soon as it is possible to do so.

Design and photography by Christine

In memory of Christian, who passed away in June 2020

We were lucky enough to get to know Christian whilst running art and film sessions for Meet Me at Lewisham homes in January – March 2020. He was dedicated to our sessions and brought an extremely calm, kind presence to everything he did, along with an unfailing sense of humour!

We often commented on Christian’s motivation to experiment and develop new skills underpinned by a reflective curiosity about the mechanics and science behind how things worked. It was a pleasure to meet and work with Christian, and we know that his generosity and warmth will be remembered fondly and missed by so many.

Georgia Akbar, Meet Me at Lewisham Homes Lead Artist, 2019-20

With grateful thanks to the residents and staff at Lewisham Homes, the ‘Meet Me’ team at the Albany and Entelechy Arts. It was a joyful experience to be involved with the generosity of spirit and creative energy throughout the project.

See the other sections from the digital Meet Me experience.