Trellis 2018-2019

Project film for UCL Trellis - artist, researcher and community collaboration

A film celebrating the inaugural UCL Trellis project in 2018-2019, hearing from artists, researchers, UCL staff and the projects curator Rosie Murdoch.

Commissioned as part of the UCL Trellis project. Trellis was a public art and community engagement project which partnered researchers from UCL with artists local to, or connected to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, where UCL will be opening a new campus, UCL East, in 2023.

Trellis was conceived by Sam Wilkinson, Head of Public Art at UCL, Lizzy Baddeley, UCL East Community and Engagement Manager and Curator Rosie Murdoch.


Empowering Design Practices Live


David Rickard - Trellis